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Revival of Democracy: Lessons from Bosnia and Around the World with Love from London
If you live in the UK and you know a lot about life in a less developed country, and you don't like to see the way the UK has been changing, and you would like to take part in making a difference, showing that multicultural is beneficial, this project is for you.
It is a very simple by the people, for the people project.
We will organise 10 events, on 10 different topics, and about 15 speakers from different countries will talk for about 3-5 minutes about those topics from the reality in their country.
We are MORE - project
I should have written about this before I went out and started it. But I didn't think it would go far. In fact, I thought I would waste about 2-3 hours, for a few days, and that would be that. To my surprise, people in London want to create a document about us that is more than we see with the naked eye. We are the people! So, I am really pleased to announce that the project 'We are MORE' has officially started. I'll publish more as I go along. For now, here's an article about how it started. Happy reading!
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Please feel free to look around my website. A lot of it is still in the making, so make sure you come back. So far I have only one book out, though I have written a few more. Plus, there will be a journal/self-help book out soon. If you wish to purchase a copy of Just Another Life, you can through the shop, or the links I've left here for you.
Thank you for your visit, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Best wishes!
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